Ghost Whisperer: The Other Side
"Ghost Whisperer: The Other Side," is an original scripted online series already streaming free of charge on CBS's broadband channel innertube (www.cbs.com/innertube). Every Friday "Ghost Whisperer" fans can watch a new episode that shows the spirit world from the perspective of an earthbound spirit, Zach (Mark Hapka), who searches for answers about his death. Zach will make a special appearance on the second season finale of "Ghost Whisperer."

The Road
Variety reports that Joe Penhall will adapt the post apocalyptic novel, "The Road," while John Hillcoat will direct. The story tells about a father transporting his son to safety after a nuclear explosion encountering starving stragglers and marauding packs of cannibals in the way.

Sirius Auto TV
Sirius satellite radio company will be getting into the television business with Chrysler. They have announced that Sirius will broadcast the programs of three children's cable TV networks, Disney, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, to Chrysler models equipped with Sirius Backseat TV sets, beginning with the 2008 models. Mel Karmazin, Sirius CEO, said: "I am pleased to have the three most original family-centered programming providers in TV."

Spider-Man 4
The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Kirsten
Dunst. They asked: "Tobey Maguire has said this third movie is his last, but Sam Raimi has said he's seriously considering four. Where do you weigh in?" and she answered: "I weigh in with Sam. And Tobey would do it as well. If Sam and I were doing it? Yeah, of course. We're definitely a team at this point."

Crash Course in Comedy
Comedy Central today launched online classes devoted to the art of stand-up comedy, "Crash Course in Comedy" has 10 broadband video classes designed and instructed by comedian Ted Alexandro. Using clips featuring Dave Attell, Lewis Black, Greg Giraldo and others, Alexandro will give users tips on stage presence, joke development and how to write humorous material. Users can to build their own avatars chosing voice, clothes and accessories, then these virtual comedians can read their own recorded jokes aloud.
Mike Fright: Stand Up!

Check Out: The Mike Fright Site!
Comics Continuum has posted preview pages of
Cable & Deadpool #39,

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures #6,

Madman Atomic Comics #1,

& The Cross Bronx, Vol. 1

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