Moviehole.net reported a rumor (with the unfortunate title "Burger King of Narnia") that Neil Burger has been approached to direct the third installment in the C.S Lewis Chronicles of Narnia series, "Dawn Treader." This film will be the second half of the book "Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader." Andrew Adamson, who directed the first two installments, has decided to opt out on this next one. This film would be takes place between "Prince Caspian" and "The Silver Chair" and tells of Lucy and Edmund, joined by their peevish cousin Eustace, returning to Narnia, where Eustace is changed into a green dragon because of his selfish behavior and skepticism.

The Hollywood Reporter says that John August will write the adaptation of the DC comic, "Shazam!," which in turn is a continuation of the Fawcett hero "Captain Marvel." August said: "It's a unique opportunity to do a comic book movie where the character in it actually read comic books. What's terrific about the character is that he looks like this superstudly superhero but is really a 13-year-old boy. And to approach everything that is great about a superhero movie from a 13-year-old boy's perspective was a unique way in. I think we're going to be able to be really faithful to the mythology and yet make it completely transparent for people who have no idea who the character is."

Mamma Mia!
Pierce Brosnan has joined the cast, opposite Meryl Streep, in "Mamma Mia!" for Universal Pictures. Based on the hit Broadway musical, Brosnan will play Sam, who is one of three men summoned to a Greek isle by a young woman who believes one of them is her father. Production starts on June 25 in London and Greece. Phyllida Lloyd, director of the Broadway and London casts of "Mamma Mia!" will helm the film, from a script by Catherine Johnson.

Three Men Seeking Monsters
Universal Pictures has picked up the rights to the Nick Redfern novel "Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monster,Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men." The studio plans to adapt the book into a film for Jon Heder. The book is about three guys who've separately chased monsters and UFOs, who now unite for one last hurrah. The trio take one last caravan to every place in the British countryside where monsters have allegedly been spotted.

Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks have committed to produce at least one movie about the adventures of the intrepid Belgian reporter, Tintin. Nick Rodwell, head of Moulinsart NV, Tintin's commercial studio, said: "After 25 years, they finally said, `OK, let's go,' It's been a project on our future development plate here for quite a number of years, always with the idea it was something we would like to make." Marvin Levy, DreamWorks spokesman, says: "I don't think we are at that point yet. It's premature to say who or when or where." While not making clear either if the film would be live action or animated or which of the 25 books would be the subject of the project, Rodwell said: "If movie No. 1 works, we will continue."

Check Out: The Mike Fright Site!
Comics Continuum has posted preview pages of
Avengers: The Initiative #1,

Black Panther #26,

The Immortal Iron Fist #4,

Detective Comics #829,

Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil #2,

Y: The Last Man #55,

& Scalped #3

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