Paradise Lost
The New York Times reports that Daniel Craig and Heath Ledger are being considered for the role of Satan in the film adaptation of John Milton's 17th-century epic poem "Paradise Lost." Dark Horizons and IMDb say the director will be Scott Derickson. The original poem tells the story of Lucifer's fall and the temptation of Adam and Eve. The writers (according to Dark Horizons) are moving away from the Milton text somewhat in favor of the story of the war of the archangels.

TVShowsOnDVD.com has a couple of new bits about upcoming releases of the "Beauty and the Beast" series here and here,
and they talk about a new "MST3K" release here.

Gyllenhaal NOT Captain Marvel
Writer John August answered reports of Jake Gyllenhaal as Captain Marvel in the film "Shazam!" when he wrote this in his blog. Part of what he wrote was: "The thing is he's not considering. I can pretty much assure you he's never heard of the project. And we've never discussed him. We've never seriously discussed anyone. After several months of meetings, casting has come up exactly zero times. There's no casting list. If there were a list, Gyllenhaal's name would probably be on it, but trust me: there is no list. There's no start date, no release date, no movie whatsoever. There's just a script to be written. Which I should probably get back to."

Connery as Bond's Father
WENN reports that Sean Connery has made it known he would come out of retirement to play James Bond's father in the upcoming "Bond 22." "I am resting from acting. So you could say I'm retired. It would have to be something really considerable to bring me back. It would have to be an offer that you can't refuse. I would never return as James Bond. If the part was well written, I could come back as Bond's father but it would cost them. It would definitely cost them."
Mike Fright: Stand Up!

Check Out: The Mike Fright Site!
Comics Continuum has posted preview pages of
X-Men #197,

Cable & Deadpool #38,

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #16,

Runaways Saga,

X-23: Target X #4,

& X-Factor #17

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