Variety reports Warner Brothers has plans to make a feature based on super team the "Justice League of America." They have assigned Kiernan and Michele Mulroney to write a script. Which members of the team will be included? The studio wouldn't confirm anyone. While seen in a couple of aminated versions and one disasterous TV film, the team, that has included most of the giants in the DC comics superhero universe, has never been attempted on the big screen. Jeff Robinov, Warner President of Production, said: "The Justice League of America has been a perennial favorite for generations of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audiences will be as strong and diverse as the characters themselves."

The Oliver Queen Chronicles
The first online computer animated episode of "The Oliver Queen Chronicles" ("Broken Arrow") is running at the CW site, you can watch it here.

Sin City 2
Frank Miller told Sci Fi Wire that "Sin City 2," is on track. He said: "The script is largely done, and now we're in that limbo zone where we're casting and making script adjustments as we go. It will be based on a couple of old stories and one brand-new one. The old ones are a couple of 'Blue Eyes' stories, and there's an 'Old Town Girls' story, and the new one features Nancy Callahan [played by Jessica Alba] in a very different, very scary role. I'm hoping we'll start in late spring. It gets pretty hot in Austin, so there might be a summer's interruption there, but both Robert [Rodriguez] and I really want to be shooting this thing as soon as possible."

Moviehole has posted an article that says the comedy will be a theatrical feature film directed by Chris Columbus.
Mike Fright: Stand Up!

Check Out: The Mike Fright Site!
Comics Continuum has posted preview pages for
The Irredeemable Ant-Man #6,

Ghost Rider #9,

Hellblazer #230,

Immortal Iron Fist #3,

Spider-Man Family #1,

Nightwing Annual #2,

Classic Battlestar Galactica #4,

New Battlestar Galactica #6,

& Highlander #4

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