Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bonus Features

Don't miss the C. Wayne Owens/Seymoure Store at our Page

And C. Wayne Owens' New Publishing Site is New Books by Wayne

If you use this search engine to buy from Amazon, it won't cost you a cent more, but will help pay for the page

THANKS, C. Wayne

 I Knew That! Question #2849
(Wednesday,  Oct. 28, 2009)
Question #2849:
All I want to know is, what TV show
was connected to the
following phrase:
"Sit on it!"

Answer #2848:
All I want to know is, what TV show
was connected to the
following phrase: "Kiss my grits!"
Flo from "Alice."

Lama Chuck got it first, then Lisa,
>Kent, Pam, Robin, Ari, Brian, Jesse,
Blaine, Joe, Lori, Michelle, Tula, Polly, Sandy & Sasha
You can join in the fun, Subscribe here  to get
the question before it shows up here,
if you answer correctly,
your name will be listed
for the world to see.
And, now available:
The I Knew That! Trivia Book
by C. Wayne Owens

It's what you should say when you hear the answer to a really good trivia question. This started as a daily e-mail question and this book is the first 1,000 days of top notch q. & a. for quiz lovers.

Remember, every so often
we will post a new
Serendipity Cinema
(A film you may never have heard of,
but really should see)
"Farewell, My Lovely"

"Murder, My Sweet"

Have a taste for Pirate Music?

It doesn't get better than
Capt'n. Black's Sea Dogges

Here's a sample:

You can read more about the group here:
The Sea Dogges
You can get their CD's there,
as well as through their live shows
(Always the best way to get them!)
or at the CD Baby Site

#4136 (C. Wayne's $.02 Worth) Oct.  28, 2009
"Ignorance may be conveniently divided
by the legislator into two sorts:
there is simple ignorance, which is
the source of lighter offences,
and double ignorance, which is accompanied
by a conceit of wisdom;
and he who is under the influence of the latter fancies
that he knows all about
matters of which he knows nothing."

"Cats have the same quality as the latter.
I call it Rush Limbaugh syndrome."
            -C. Wayne Owens
You can now get
(in both Trade Paperback
& E-Book form)
The First 1,000 Days of
C. Wayne's $.02 Worth

Some of C. Wayne Owens' Books on Amazon